What Happens If I Don’t Pump My Septic Tank?

We hear something like this all the time: “We just bought a new {to us} home and found out that the septic tank has never been pumped. Should we have it done?”
Before giving you the obvious answer, let us ask you a question: If you haven’t had your car’s oil changed in six months, should you have it done? Of course!
It is important to understand what your septic tank is and what it does. Your septic tank is basically a “holding tank” for all the waste that exits your home. While in this holding tank of sorts, the solid matter breaks down into what is referred to as sludge. Liquids in the septic tank move on to the absorption area and are carried off from the tank. In order for waste to break down properly and for water to be carried off, the septic tank must work properly. A tank that is not pumped on a regular basis simply cannot do its job.
The sludge buildup process is a slow development, and this is why many people find themselves in trouble. Too many people wait until something goes wrong with their septic tank before they look into treating it. Let us be the first to tell you that waiting too long to think about your septic tank is never a good idea. Believe us – this is our job, and you do not want to face this mess!
A septic tank that is not pumped is becoming more and more full of all the waste matter that leaves your home. Every time you flush your toilet, it has to go somewhere; if you have a septic system, then that is where it goes. If you have multiple people living in your home, then every time each person flushes all of the waste travels to your septic tank. This information is not to gross you out, but to let you know exactly what goes on – and why you need to pump your septic tank.
It is recommended that septic tanks be pumped every 3-5 years. Waiting longer than that really leads to unwanted and costly problems. At Septic Service Pro we provide the Septic Cleaning Services you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive a free pumping estimate.
Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro